Looks like we will be spared the oven like conditions of a week or so ago. The down side is it will likely be a bit on the cloudy and cool side... particularly on Saturday and into Sunday. On the bright side, Friday and Monday are looking really good! Here's the official weather map for Saturday showing Muffin surrounded by light rain... who knows... maybe it will snow! So be forewarned... pack the poncho, a fleece or 2, the rain fly and don't pitch your tent in a gully! What the hey, maybe all those motor-homes will come in handy after all! Come hell or high water, DRIVE SAFE and get ready for some fun!
I need tickets. Haven't been in the states to make a muffin since "Smell the Dignity". And, now it's time to party! Please let me know I can show up and pay at the Budda. Bob and Marisa
thanks for the Muffin Forescast.
I'll bring a poncho (not sears) and waders. Waders are flatter the shape of the legs so.
As you can see I don't waste a lot of time proofreading. : )
oops now it's just belaboring the point.
Hey Muffineers,
What a great Muffin 33.3 !!!!!!
What's a little vertical water when you've got a Meadow Muffin to keep you high and dry....
Much thanks and apppreciation to Tom ,the Popejoys, Larry, Bill (Shakes!), the Ouiselles (including newbie, DandyG, yet the trophy still eludes them even with a Ringer),
the Pirates(great brownies), the musicians, and to all of us for making it another most memorable MemorialDay Meadow Muffin. Here's to great summer fun for us all....
Sheila and RogerO
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