Dooh! Muffin Mishap! Situation
AFU! The Unreal Band and Muffin Committee somehow scheduled a
big Muffin Warm Up Show AND
Muffin Mow Down on the same danged weekend! And
Captain Mike to boot!
Arrgh!!! ... You tell me, hard labor in the hot
Yuba County sun all day or
kickin' back at the cool Starry Plough with a pint and some fine tunes? Not much of a choice unless you are a hard core Downer... or you want to save yourself for that Magic Muffin Moment on the one and only
Real Unreal Saturday night in May!
OK enough said... If you aren't too keen on sweat and
bullets, just march yourself down to the Starry Plough in Berkeley this May 10 for a fine (albeit
warm up) show. If you need those last minute Muffin tickets (and it would be nice to sell a couple more) bring along an extra 30
bux! There should be someone on hand that can help you help us out.
Hey You! Muffin is now less than THREE WEEKS away! Get busy!!!
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