With on-site sales, we ended up selling over 80 tickets, providing enough funds to cover expenses. All the t-shirts were sold so they paid for themselves including all the musician comps! We still need to pay a few bills and deposit cash and checks, but when the dust settles we will be paying anyone that was promised cash and hasn't been paid yet.
Once again, THANKS to all the folks who participated, especially all the musicians and support people, those that traveled long distances and those who braved the less than perfect weather. More later and perhaps a "debrief" meeting to be announced. MUFFIN!!!
p.s. Looks like Derwoody has some Muffin XXXIII pics posted! Follow his link in the "links" section.
Yep, (selected) pix went up this AM. Looking at last year's shots, I noticed there were 5 "BEN"s at our end of the camp. Only 3 "BEN"s could make it this year, and they had their fill, methinks. But the mild weather kept these fellas from getting too noxious.
Oh, and mega-kudos to all who volunteered. It was great.
Hey Muffineers,
What a great Muffin 33.3 !!!!!!
What's a little vertical water when you've got a Meadow Muffin to keep you high and dry....
Much thanks and apppreciation to Tom ,the Popejoys, Larry, Bill (Shakes!), the Ouiselles (including newbie, DandyG, yet the trophy still eludes them even with a Ringer),
the Pirates(great brownies), the musicians, and to all of us for making it another most memorable MemorialDay Meadow Muffin. Here's to great summer fun for us all....
Sheila and RogerO
Thanks for a great muffin, Muffineers!
And most particulary to Tom, Greg and Larry...and ALL the musicians.
I had a phenomenally grrrreat time!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We love you all! Big thanks to
Tom & Greg, Brad, love ya, Bro!
The Girls from WA
Thanks for a great time! Always a blast! See ya next year!
We had a great time - thanks to everyone for making the Muffin the social event of the season.
I have become one with Muffin...
Thanks to one and all for the best Muffin ever....until next year!
I've got video, audio and pics to share and you WILL like them..OR ELSE!
Hey kids, it's Weasel Stomping Day!
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