A few final words for folks brave enough to attend "Muff in the Ruff". Rest easy, Pope sez that POP's if not yet delivered are indeed on the way. In the past few days we've heard or gotten word from the Ricks (Banjo and Mando), King Jomo, Mr. Ocono Lodge, Dan and Jane, P. Pot and 2/3 Clams, Mz Nanceee, Dandy Gee (and the Beer Pong Boys), Senor Blanco & Smithy, the Derwoody Clan, Bean Man Ben, Bishop Joey... and the list goes on and on. Also, many regrets from those who are disposed elsewhere or perhaps are just BIG BABIES! In any case, hopefully some grass was cut and if not maybe there will be a weed whacker or 2 available to spruce up your camp site. Ed sez please beware of overhead branches when you pitch your tent. Some rather large ones came down this past year. So car pool if you can and be sure to pack your woolies. You know the drill, have a safe trip and see you "up" there.
Breakfast served Sat. am. Menu: French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon. BYO coffee and utensils etc, thanx.
Edible/drinkable contributions welcome, but no whiners or fancy orders.
Photos to follow, but "The Video" is at:
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