OK, so there has been much chaos and confusion about what parts of Muffin will still be intact for this years event. Well, clearly we have had to eliminate the many "give-aways" that made Muffin so popular (and poor) in the past. So to give you an idea of what Muffin will be like this year, here is a proposed schedule of events.
- "Mow Your Own" Campground Fun
- Port-A-Pot $$$ Round-Up
- BYOB Zombie-Tiki Meat & Greet (admission free, Pirates $5)
- Cook-Shack Hammerhead (less) Fest
- Beer Pong Slam Down (bring your own folding table)
- Open Mic I (that's one microphone, amplification optional)
- Muffin Drive-In (your head) Movies
- Championship Horseshoe Demonstration (sorry, Weazels Only)
- Pope's 3D Hayride Simulation (with horsecrap-like smells)
- Club Ouiselle Bavarian Wiener Feast (1 case of PBR FCFS)
- Battle of the Unplugged Bands (or persons)
Dandy G and Wang Dang Doodle will be there to crush the anyone who stand in our way to Horseshoe Glory. The Unreal Band has left for an extended Caribbean Rehab assignment. G. Lee will revive his solo (So Low you can"t hear it)career with some oldie and moldy material. Looking forward to some exciting firepit action!
Dan and Jane want to know - What would it cost to "sponsor" a portapotty?
DArron, Cin and Enzo will be there.
The Magnificent El UU, first co-holder of the Golden Horse Shoe Megabucks Trophy, will most definitely be there--he's got nothing but time--likely chummin' it up with the Edster, getting him all liquored up and even ornier, a week before all you workin' folks arrive. He'll be cookin' up some breakfast vittles in the cookshack, too.
Matty Rob is attending with two muffin VIRGINS! MUFFFFIIIIINNNN!
Paul Pot and Candy will be there. No Clams, but Paul will do a solo set somewhere, under circumstances to be determined. Offering to host the open mic as well. I'm thinking it might be fun (and informative) to hold a skinny-dip wine social on Saturday afternoon.
Paul and Candy
The Pirates will be there. You have been warned.
I'll be coming to mow-your own Muffin.
Rick P + 1. Going for it but Lost Hippies posse, Ed and G-dog, doubtful.
Gail and Rawbird is in.
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