Muffinscape XXXII (http://darron.smugmug.com)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Cavepainters' Holiday Party Friday, December 26 at the Starry Plough

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Mission Accomplished! The Evil Ice Hobbit has Returned to Her Cave!

So collect your good cheer and head down to the Starry Plough in Berkeley this Saturday (November 8th) for what is bound to be the best party of the fall season. All your Muffin fave bands are participating and the party starts at 3PM. It's also the Plough's 35th anniversary party in case you need another reason to have a good time. By the way, wish Sandy a happy 50th if you happen to see her. Come early and stay late (for Gary and the boys)!
In order of appearance:
The Cavepainters (Starry Plough stalwarts!)
Joan Pez's Open Mic Allstars (the cream of the #1 open mic)
The Happy Clams (geezer punk)
Xenia Rudnycka (she's a hoot!)
Yard Sale (PP's personal favorites!)
Ragged Glory (awesome, dude!)
The Naked Barbies (You gotta love em!)
The Unreal Band (When that reality check is not in order!)
Paul sez Clams go on around 5:30. They are devil clams with horns!
Andy D,G. and the Hanging Chad have got brass!
NO COVER (and cheap food deals!)
Starry Plough
3101 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley CA
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Clams With Horns?!? Here's The Latest Pot Poster For The Plough Anniversary Party!

Guess this makes it official... and quite a partie it should be... Heck, the Clams are even hiring a horn section for your entertainment pleasure. What more could ask for? Better make those reservations right away... wait, this is a FREE event... Oh well, just get there early... and be sure to rest up beforehand cause Gary sez the Unreal are gonna rock the house way LATE into the night ... that's past midnight at least for you folks in the geezer set. Oh and don't fergit yur HORNS (and ear plugs)!
The Starry Plough is at 3101 Shattuck in Berkeley. Corner of
Shattuck and Prince. You have NO EXCUSE... this is a F-R-E-E show!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Berkeley's Starry Plough 35th Anniversary Party, Saturday November 8th, Features Muffin Family Faves

- The Unreal Band
- The Happy Clams
- Cavepainters
- Pickin' Trix
Plus these great bands...
- The Naked Barbies
- Ragged Glory
- Yard Sale
- Xenia Rudnyckya
- Joan Pez's Open Mic All Star
This is clearly a MM (Muffineer Mandatory) event. Without the Starry Plough, so much that is (and was) the Muffin NEVER would have happened! Stay tuned for more details!
ALSO: Gary sez that the Unreal and others will be helping to kick-off the Anniversary Party with a Buffalo Roam Reunion Show at the Plough on Friday November 7th at 9:30.
Starry Plough Pub
3101 Shattuck Ave , Berkeley CA
(510) 841-2082
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
San Francisco to Honor Dirk Dirksen with Dirk Dirksen Alley

With your help we will be purchasing a memorial plaque and installing it at the Dirk Dirksen Alley location. Nonprofit organization, H.E.A.R. will be managing the contributions going towards the Dirk Dirksen plaque creation and the city sidewalk installation. Our goal is to raise $3000.00. Please help the friends and family of Dirk Dirksen and the City of San Francisco to complete this last step to honor the Pope of Punk and San Francisco's Counterculture Music Scene that he presided over.
Dirk Dirksen Alley Memorial Plaque Drive Donations are being excepted now at http://www.hearnet.com/auction.html Your contribution in any amount is welcome and tax deductible. You can give $5, $10 $25, $50, $100 or more.
Thank all of you for your wonderful support!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Fall Fest Forecast: Sunny Days, Clear Nights with a Chance of Cavepainters

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fall Fest 2008 Features Wild Alaska Salmon Feast

How many other Muffin horseshoe teams can make that sort of claim... willing to travel to the arctic and back, braving high seas, gale force winds and airport security to bring you the best damn fish in the whole universe.
If that doesn't get you out to this year's Muffin Fall Fest, I don't know what will. Remember Fall fest is an "eventus pro bono", we just ask that you RSVP by October 8th.
Muffin Fall Fest is Friday - Sunday, October 10-13 at the old same place.
More info to come.
Captain Mike plays "Blues for Obama" benefit show in Berkeley September 27th

The Obama Campaign is throwing a fundraising Party at the Ethnic Arts Gallery, 1314 10th St, from 6-9PM. Live Music starts at 6, and somewhere around 7 Captain Mike will count to 4, and his band will blow the roof off the house! We got some very (very!!) special guests sitting in with us for the occasion, I'm sure you're gonna dig - don't miss it! $25 at the door.
Ethnic Arts Gallery
1314 10th St
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 527-5270
Friday, September 5, 2008
Berkeley Institution "Brennan's" Ousted For Condos! Farewell Gathering Friday, September 12th

A number of the old Sam's 58 Club crowd (another sorely missed Berkeley institution) will be meeting at the old place for a final farewell on Friday September 12th. No time specified... probably around 8PM. Hope to see you all there! More info as it becomes available.
Brennan's Bar & Restaurant
720 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 841-0960
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Muffin's Fall Fest 2008 Tentatively Scheduled For Columbus Day Weekend

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You Are Invited! Mid-Summer Classic at Paul Pot's House
Ever wonder how a band like the Clams found their way to the muffin? Well this party (many years ago) had a lot to do with it! That should give you a clue what a cool scene it is! So come Aug 2 drop whatever it is you're doing and head on over to Pot Manor. You won't be disappointed!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Clams Appear At Festival of the Breasts, June 15th at the Stork Club

All possible disclaimers apply here. Not sure what this is all about but it sure is a fine poster (I want that font!) and some great bands are appearing including Muffin's own show bustin Happy Clams! Muffin sez attend at your own risk!
The Festival of Breasts was originally conceived as an epic music festival that would take place at The Rack Lodge, in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park. The bill was going to be filled by bands that had breasts or know somebody who did. Eventually, the idea morphed into a Sunday BBQ at the Stork Club with real and/or fake breasts. even chicken breasts...We will celebrate all things round & soft, like a nice pair of boobs.
Mill Race 12am
Brad Electro 11pm
ApplePie Hopes 10:30pm
ASP 10pm
The Happy Clams 9pm
The Bleu Canadians 8pm
5¢ Coffee 7pm
The Clarences 6pm
Bunny Numpkins and the Kill Blow-Up Reaction 5:30pm
Plasterkatz 5pm
The Lemmies 4pm
DJ Mole, Mike Glendinning & Alayna Stroud's Group Ascension
in between sets
Sunday, June 15th 2008, 4pm Stork Club, 23rd St. & Telegraph, Downtown Oakland
(510) 444-6174
Harlan Hollander and the Hokum Boys at the Muffin!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Muffin "Post Op" this Wednesday June 11 at the Missouri in Berkeley

So if Muffin owes you some money (or some microphone or guitar stands for that matter), show up at the Miz and chances are good that you might just be able to collect your due. You've had plenty of time to rest up so you don't have any excuses. Plus it's free! And rumor has it that if you bring your Muffin ticket stub, Greg will buy you a drink, no joke required!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Bring out your Muffin photos!

Derwoody has a bunch of great shots (including the above) at:
Dan Lange has posted some on his blog as well at (plus some new tunes!):
If there are other galleries with photos out there include a link in your comments below and I will post 'em. Thanx!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Another GREAT Muffin!!! Thanks to Everyone!!!
With on-site sales, we ended up selling over 80 tickets, providing enough funds to cover expenses. All the t-shirts were sold so they paid for themselves including all the musician comps! We still need to pay a few bills and deposit cash and checks, but when the dust settles we will be paying anyone that was promised cash and hasn't been paid yet.
Once again, THANKS to all the folks who participated, especially all the musicians and support people, those that traveled long distances and those who braved the less than perfect weather. More later and perhaps a "debrief" meeting to be announced. MUFFIN!!!
p.s. Looks like Derwoody has some Muffin XXXIII pics posted! Follow his link in the "links" section.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Muffin Forecast: Partly Cloudy, Full On Party!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008
Muffin XXXIII: Year of the Cheap Event?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Another Muffin Miracle: Meadow Drive-In Sign Rises after 18 Years on Junk Pile
How can this be!?! The Meadow Drive-In sign appeared briefly way back at Muffin XV. It later served a couple unseemly years as the bar surface for Club Ouiselle after which it was spurned and cast upon the junk pile where it has waited all these years for a new lease on life. Now it has risen to claim its rightful place of glory at Muffin 33.
Hell if that old sign can look this good after all that time on a trash heap what's your excuse? Bet you haven't even bought a ticket yet! You're probably thinking "I'm getting too old for all that camping, music, dancing, partying and having a really good time".
OK, be that way. All the more good time for the rest of us to suck up! And just look at that beautiful new layer of OSB on the stage (another muffin miracle... knock on wood) ready for a whole new generation of pogo'ers. This could just be the best Muffin ever and you're going to miss it because you are thinking that you're all washed up.
You know who you are. Well the truth is you still have a week or so to dust yourself off, slap on some new paint and get hold of a ticket. Just show up at the Miz this Wednesday (Paul Pot's Open Mic) or at the Starry Plough on Thursday (Cavepainters Happy Hour) with 30 bux in hand for your slice of one of the best kept secrets in the whole danged universe!
You know who you are. Well the truth is you still have a week or so to dust yourself off, slap on some new paint and get hold of a ticket. Just show up at the Miz this Wednesday (Paul Pot's Open Mic) or at the Starry Plough on Thursday (Cavepainters Happy Hour) with 30 bux in hand for your slice of one of the best kept secrets in the whole danged universe!
Photo: Meadow Drive-In impresario Playboy Millionaire Hank Gimme admires miracle sign as the "Pope" looks on.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Unreal Band and Captain Mike Distract Muffin Mowers May 10th in Berkeley

Hey You! Muffin is now less than THREE WEEKS away! Get busy!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Muffin "Mow Down" Scheduled for Sat/Sun May 10/11

For additional info: thos.bell@gmail.com
Friday, April 18, 2008
Muffin Planning Committee Announces "Gas Tax Hog-A-Day" Saturday May 24th
- Hauled Up Most Crap (that you didn't use) Award
- Largest Vehicle Volume (not hauling a trailer) Award
- Most Luxurious Bathroom (driven to the Muffin) Award
Courtesy parking provided by O'conno Lodge.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
It's Official! The Muffin Flyer Has Landed!

Oh, and here is the terrific artwork that Paul Pot put together for this year's invite. Not sure how that 1/3 got in there. Fall fest perhaps. Seems to me we lost a 1/2 a Muffin (the 1/2 baked Muffin) about 15 years back and it took one hell of an effort to get it back. So consider this extra 1/3 as a preemptive Muffin... just in case. The last thing we need now is a Mushroom Cloud! Wait... did I say that? Thank you Paul for another flyer extrordinaire and thanks to Cyn for mailing them out! Hand addressed yet! Wow... this is a whole new dimension of class! And a note to Bill and Chris... it appears you guys are seriously on-the-hook for a first class drive-in theatre this year (and BTW this doesn't have anything to do with horseshoes).
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Look Out! Here They Come Again! The Itchy Mountain Men Play Sunday April 13 in Berkeley!
FOR MORE INFO GO TO: http://www.stjohns.presbychurch.net/concertseries.htm
Phone: (510) 684-7563
On other fronts, Muffin flyers have been mailed. If you don't get one by the end of this week, email your snail mail address to this blog and we'll try to send you one.
On other fronts, Muffin flyers have been mailed. If you don't get one by the end of this week, email your snail mail address to this blog and we'll try to send you one.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Muffin Committee Calls Emergency Meeting: Ticket Price Bumped To 50 Bux!

Speaking of the show, the Itchy Mountain Men turned in an incredible performance that was HIGHLY enjoyed by all who showed the gumption to attend. The Unreal Band sounded tighter than ever and performed some great new material. The scant handful of "faithful" that stuck around (or showed up LATE!) were treated to an awesome second set that went on and on into the early AM. Wow! Imagine how that'll sound in Muffin holler!
Also of note, expect a Muffin Flyer in the mail any day now! OK, the deal isn't real until you have the official paperwork in hand. Trust me, Monsieur Pot has promised to deliver on this one. After that, you don't have an excuse!
BTW: Happy St. Stupid's Day!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hank Gimme Announces Grand Re-Opening of New and Improved Meadow Drive-In

Monday, March 17, 2008
Calling all Bands! Muffin Band Roster so far...
So far the following bands have either commited or shown serious interest in playing at Muffin 33. Like last year, we hope to make Friday night an informal "open mic" for folks who want to get up and play without the benefit of the BIG sound. We are also hoping to do a "mostly accoustic" Sunday this year.
Here is the list so far (in no particular order)...
- The Happy Clams (Sensitive-punk)
- The Unreal Band (R&R)
- Dan Lange (Buskerman Blues)
- The Cavepainters (Traditional)
- Itchy Mountain Men (Funkgrass)
- Pseudo Cru (Headbanger)
- The Hokum Boys (R&R)
If you have a band that might be interested please email the blogmaster at: thosbell@gmail.com
Here is the list so far (in no particular order)...
- The Happy Clams (Sensitive-punk)
- The Unreal Band (R&R)
- Dan Lange (Buskerman Blues)
- The Cavepainters (Traditional)
- Itchy Mountain Men (Funkgrass)
- Pseudo Cru (Headbanger)
- The Hokum Boys (R&R)
If you have a band that might be interested please email the blogmaster at: thosbell@gmail.com
Monday, March 10, 2008
Muffin (Mini Style) Kick-Off Show Set for March 29th in Berkeley (where else?)

BTW: We should have Muffin tickets available at this show (yes, we are doing this again!). Tickets purchased on or before May 15 will be available for the incredible discounted price of 25 bux! Once again... any cheaper and we would be paying you to go the Muffin!
Come out and support these great bands!!!
Special thanks to LISA for this fabulous poster.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Planning Meeting set for Thursday (3/6) at the Lanesplitter in Berkeley

The agenda might look something like this ...
- Do we really want to do this again?
- What is the interest level out there?
- Where do we stand money wise?
- What should we do differently/the same?
- What bands are interested, committed?
- What sort of budget is needed?
- How much should we charge?
- How do we handle promotion at the Ashkenez gig?
- What deadlines do we have?
- Who is going to do what?
- Tickets/flyer needed by the end March!
- Do we really want to do this again?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Itchies vs Unreal? Muffin Kick-off Show in the Works for March 29 at the Ashkenaz

Yup, it's that time again... the clouds are parting, the sun is warming up, trees are a blossum... the smell of meat is in the air! Can another Muffin be far off? Ungie has been hard at work arranging a special show at the Ashkenaz in Berkeley for March 29. Details to follow but expect the Unreal Band to headline the show with the Itchy Mountain Men and others as openers and jammers!
Stay Tooned for details!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Somewhat Happy Clams Open Stork Club Fan Fest on Prez Day Eve

So have something off the grill and let the evening slip away while 9 bands follow one another until the day rolls into the next. All for a measly 7 bucks. ("Wow," he muttered just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.) Each band is encouraged to perform at least one song, singing through the electric fan. Tips of noses and tongues may be a flying. Bring a hanky.
Show Times: 4 pm The (not entirely) Happy Clams; 5 pm October Allied; 6 pm The Lemmies; 7 pm The Bleu Canadians; 8 pm Plasterkatz; 9 pm The Clarences; 10 pm Rollercoaster Summer; 11 pm Dan Electro; 12 am Mike Glendinning .....with DJ Mole throughout
ALL at the freshly painted Stork Club on Oakland's Posh Telegraph Avenue.
Links to the other bands can be found on the news page at:
Monday, January 21, 2008
Fred Weed Appears with Elite Artists in Berkeley at The Freight on February 12

Canadian-born violinist Lara St. John is a passionate, charismatic soloist who has performed with the orchestras of Cleveland, Philadelphia, Minnesota, Seattle, Montreal, and many more, as well as throughout Europe and Asia. Her previous three CDs, two of them dedicated to works by Bach, gained her great critical acclaim for her superb technique, musical imagination, and vitality. She has been featured in numerous publications, from People to US News and World Report, as well as on CNN's Showbiz Today and NPR's All Things Considered.
Joining Lara are an eclectic group of musicians from the worlds of jazz, pop, blues, rock, and classical, apparently united only in their devotion to the music of Bach. Featured are cellist Sam Bass, Dave Grossman on electric bass, Lynda Arnold on flute, electric guitarist Kelly Back, and Fred Weed on piano.
Note to Muffineers: Please refrain from yelling "MUF-FIN!!!" during Mr. Weed's performance.
For more info:
Freight & Salvage Coffee House
1111 Addison Street Berkeley, CA (around the corner from the Lanesplitter!)
(510) 548-1761
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Muffin Flash Mob (2005)