Really... this time it was no photo-op! Once we put some actual gas in the tractor, things got under way. Major thanks go out to the king of two wheeled tractors, Mr. Velocette, Jeffy S. for making the trek last Thursday all the way from Vallejo to rebuild the carb. The major portions of the grass did get cut before the mower threw a cutting arm (Once Again!). It's always something and fortunately for us, the dearth of rain has resulted in significantly less growth this year. Even our beloved stage, "Old Soggy", fared the winter fairly well and was looking rather convincing and ready to party after a dust-off and a quick coat of battleship gray. Performers though, are advised to step lightly (no pogo'ing please). Never know when that layer of paint may give way or the ghost of Clance might appear and swallow you up. Of note, another Muffin "Miracle" was witnessed when the stage light bar was dredged from the mud, shored and splinted into place, plugged in and all the lights worked without a short. BA be with you! Speaking of which, a large pile of firewood seemed to assemble itself, as if to say "Bring on your best Bushwhacker!". Big Tee's beer-blurred Home Depot science project, the "Kun-trap-shun", stage canopy system appeared somewhat dysfunctional by late afternoon but some hope persists that with a real tarp in place folks will overlook the sore spots. The word on the street is that Bishop Joey may be on hand to cover up the whole mess with his fantastic banner collection. Closing ceremonies followed with the traditional Muffin "Put the Neighbors on Notice" 21 gun (well let's just say it was an impressive show of firepower) salute. Many cans met their maker and this years "Mistress of Mow Down" had the right Romanian hardware on hand for a fitting finale.
Other things of note:
The operators of Gold Nugget Theatre are requesting that anyone with appropriate video material (Old Muffin stuff or otherwise), please dig it out and bring it with you for general consumption. Specifically looking for that "never seen" raw footage we know is rotting away in certain people's video collections.
Club Oiselle is still seeking folks to help at the bar and/or help with provisioning. "Our gal" Mal has graciously offered her services again as mixoligist supreme after her bang up job last year (Pirates need not apply).
T-Shirts are in and some vending help will be needed on Saturday PM ... Let the Pope or Marshall know if you can help with this. BTW there is a free shirt in it for you. (FCFS, must be able to make change)
Expenses are up this year (when aren't they!) so we will be extracting "Muffin Tax" from walk-ins on Saturday evening. We're looking for a few cute looking hard asses to help with that as well.
Reminder: Those "Itchy Guys" are playing in Larkspur this evening (see earlier post) so show some support if you can. Also an Unreal "preview" may be in the works for the Miz this Wednesday.
Stay tuned for last minute updates!

Muffinscape XXXII (
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Muffin Flash Mob (2005)
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Hope you all are getting plenty of rest for the upcoming Magical Muffin Madness Weekend that's heading our way like a big ol' freight train. Things are shaping up in a fine way, and we can only hope that the weather will be as perfect as it was for 'mowdown'.
Looks like even the blogosphere is can't escape media manipulation - What MM forgot to tell you is that, yes, ol' Henry (not to be confused with 'Betsy' or Clyde')was low on gas, but there was also a little choke problem, too, and who's counting anyway? Big Tee is now known as 'Ramrod' for his vicious talkmastering and general whip-cracking that hurried things right along, right past things like checking Henry's chewing gum patches, baling wire clamps and bolts that might have loosened from the last 'beat it down' workout. OK, so that was my job but, you haven't lived 'til you've thrown a blade! Going for three out of three next year!
As for the 'Kun-trap-shun', also known as 'Big Tee's Fantasy', it's another sign that the developers can't be far behind - first, there's the hostile takeover attempt, then the replacement of the beloved and decades-old traditional parachute -what's next - a mini Wal-Mart? It's definitely a work of wonder, tho. You'll wonder what it is, and will it work. I think it's meant to do double duty during it's non-Muffin time as either a hang glider or sail rigging, or maybe both. In any event, it's the coolest looking tarp holder you'll see at any party this year, or any year, for that matter.
Many, many thanx to all who have contributed time and/or $ toward the planning and execution of preparations for this year's gala, and everyone should make a special effort to thank Big Tee for everything he does - too much to list here, but believe me, it's a LOT! Happy Muffining!
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