Muffinscape XXXII (http://darron.smugmug.com)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Cavepainters Photo Release: Where's Ed!?!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
First Post Muffin Post: THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!
Hey Muffineers! THANK YOU for making it one of the BEST Muffins ever!!!
Many more posts to come in the coming days and weeks as we sort the whole mess out and try to digest the good, the bad and the ugly, but for now just hoping everyone got home safe. At first glance, it appears that we can meet all our financial obligations. Thanks for your support! To anyone we owe money to, checks will be cut in a day or so and mailed out as the dust settles.
In the Lost & Found department, a number of items have been claimed but a few remain including:
1 Ludwig drum stool (BBC?)
1 brown leather guitar (GC) strap
2 foldable keyboard (?) stands
1 boom microphone stand (I had a similar one that disappeared so...)
A few misc cables (yellow tags?)
You can claim these by emailing thos.bell@gmail.com
Feel free to send links, photo’s, stories or whatever to the above and I will be glad to post them for all to see.
The formal "debriefing" will be held at Paul Pot’s Open Mic at the Missouri Lounge (2600 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley) on Wednesday, June 6th, 8PM.
More to come! STAY TOONED! MUFFIN!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Benefit/Opening Runs Simultaneously in Oakland and Alameda this Friday June 1st!!!

Hosted By MC Emmet
The Stork Club
2330 Telegraph Ave.
Happening Concurrently With
"Rocked out pinball machine!"
A Kustom game by Dirty Donny and Wade Krause
Opening Reception
Friday June 1st, 2007 from
The Lucky Ju Ju
Runs From June 1st to
See Website for more information:
http://www.ujuju.com/ or http://www.nbam.org/
Media Contact: Michael Schiess
pinhead@ujuju.com 510-205-9793
Artist Websites:
Photo: Hellacopters Pinball Machine Backglass by Dirty Donny and Wade Krause © 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Clams Unhappy about Opening for Sea Kings, Skidaddle Back to Sunday

Last Chance To Buy Full Price Ticket Before the Big Event
Tonight is your last chance to hold your head high as you cross that threshold into Muffinville. After that you will have to wait in line, grovel like common folk and beg for permission to buy a ticket AT the Muffin. Paul Pot has graciously offered to sell tickets tonight at his Missouri Club Open Mic. Prices at this late hour will be the outrageous sum of 30 Bux! That seems like a small price to pay to maintain your dignity! Head to the Miz, buy Paul a drink and get your ticket complete with official directions printed right on it. You’ll be well on your way and get to hear some interesting music to boot.
Hank Gimme Suggests Firing ALL Musicians and Hiring Pro Horseshoe Teams Instead

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Unreal All-Stars Recruit Buffalo Roam'rs, Claim Rights to Saturday Slot

On other fronts (thank goodness), Ungie and Vernon (from Unreal days of past) have been working on a video to honor Pat Quinn and are hoping to premiere it at the Muffin one night or the other. Could this mean black tie and red carpet at the Gold Nugget Theatre?
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Other things of note:
The operators of Gold Nugget Theatre are requesting that anyone with appropriate video material (Old Muffin stuff or otherwise), please dig it out and bring it with you for general consumption. Specifically looking for that "never seen" raw footage we know is rotting away in certain people's video collections.
Club Oiselle is still seeking folks to help at the bar and/or help with provisioning. "Our gal" Mal has graciously offered her services again as mixoligist supreme after her bang up job last year (Pirates need not apply).
T-Shirts are in and some vending help will be needed on Saturday PM ... Let the Pope or Marshall know if you can help with this. BTW there is a free shirt in it for you. (FCFS, must be able to make change)
Expenses are up this year (when aren't they!) so we will be extracting "Muffin Tax" from walk-ins on Saturday evening. We're looking for a few cute looking hard asses to help with that as well.
Reminder: Those "Itchy Guys" are playing in Larkspur this evening (see earlier post) so show some support if you can. Also an Unreal "preview" may be in the works for the Miz this Wednesday.
Stay tuned for last minute updates!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Only 8 Shopping Days til Muffin!... Have You Made Your List Yet?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Clock is TICKING on $25 TICK... TICK... TICKET Deal!

The Miz is at 2600 San Pablo Ave in Berkeley, CA and on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/missourilounge
Thursday, May 3, 2007
It's Official: "Mow Down" is Saturday May 19th

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Viva Las Vegas! Club Oiselle's Gold Room to be Fit for the "King"

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Desert Airplane Junkyard show at the Lucky Ju Ju this Weekend!

In the summer of 2006 night photographers Troy Paiva and Joe Reifer were granted access to photograph "Aviation Warehouse", a high desert airplane boneyard near El Mirage Dry Lake. This surreal location is a graveyard for every type of aircraft imaginable, from tiny Cessnas, to military fighters and transports, pre-war prop-liners, to wide-body jet airliners. Dead planes lay chopped and gutted amongst the Joshua Trees. Sheared-off noses reveal rows of empty seats and oxygen masks silently dangling. Clouds smear like ghosts and the stars arc across the sky during the long exposures.

Muffin Flash Mob (2005)