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SEC Investigating Possible Hostile Takeover of Weasels International Ltd. by J. Lane Inc.
CEO and general big beef of the Muffin, G. “Pope” Popejoy reported today the he received a significant payment along with an order to buy up all outstanding shares of Weasels International Ltd.. The amount was reported to be in excess of a “Kill-o-buck”. Underhanded tactics like this leveraged buyout have been largely absent since the Muffin cleaned up its finances and became a wholesome family oriented event. It was noted that Club Oiselle, one of WIL’s major Muffin concessions, successfully fended off an attack by the notorious corporate pirates, D&T Enterprises, last year. After a brief scuffle Club Oiselle employees were able wrestle control firmly back in the hands of WIL. This new class of threat could potentially undermine the entire Muffin asset base causing catastrophic failure of other key Weasel controlled business operations including the Meadow drive-in theatre, Pin-Head Heaven, CampFire(tm) Inc. and the World Wide Horseshoe Federation, the sponsor of one of Muffin's key attractions. Experts interviewed believe that this could lead to plumeting ticket sales and an end to the Muffin as we know it. Spokespersons from J. Lane, Inc. declined to comment.
Godd for J.Lane, Inc! It's about time someone stood up to WIL, and broke up this insidious monopoly.
AnonyMouse is more like can hide behind your little firewall and throw out malicious comments all day, but if the truth be known, it wouldn't be a Muffin without the philanthropic generosity of the Weasels and their multi tendreled businesses.
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