As of Tuesday PM things seem to be shaping up in the weather dept. It looks a little iffy for the early arrivers but by Friday any major weather should be well on its way to Boise. Saturday is lookin about as good as it gets for one of the coldest Mays on record. Zero % chance of precipitation Sat/Sun/Mon! ... you gotta like those numbers! Then again we are talkin about the foothills here where a little downburst can happen at any time. That and those expected lows are for way down the hill in balmy
Mutantville so be prepared for a chilly evening or two. That said, what other excuse are you gonna come up with for not Muffin'ing this year? Once again, last minute discount tickets are available. Phone lines are open. Get your nose out of Facebook for a minute and track down a ticket! Could just be one of the best Muffins ever!
I Declare A Portal Of Glorious Weather To Present Itself This Week-End! Huzzah!
The Dome of Sunshine and warmth shall prevail over Muffinville!
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