OK, so just MAYBE there really will be a Muffin this year... Here's proof positive... Many thanks to Lee for getting this together... ummm wait a minute... Happy Band? Clam Buffet? Steamin' Dina? White Water Rafting? This thing is ALL F#%'$& UP! And what's with the dude with the badge anyway? We really don't like badges... especially at the Muffin! Last time the badges showed up they almost pulled the plug! Especially since it was TOC that greeted them at the gate. Come to think of it, maybe someone should have pulled the plug a long time ago! Guess it almost happened again 2 years back. Maybe that's the real reason why we had a "time out" last year. OK, none of THAT this year for sure. After all everyone is sayin' this is just "1 MFN 2 MNY!". We don't want to take that too literally. After all, we've got a whole new generation of Muffin Heads ready to take over. Right Kids? So back to the business at hand... Please notice the outrageous price increase for Muffin this year. That's right... show up at the door without a ticket and be prepared to hand over 35 U.S. Bux!!! Then again you could just purchase before the May 1st deadline and pay a measly 25 U.S. Bux. And if that's not enough, any order for 5 or more tickets will include an additional %20 discount!!! Oh and in case you missed the disclaimer, please note... "Meadow Muffin is a PRIVATE PARTY by invite ONLY(!!!)" and then there is the universally recognized "NO HAMMERHEADS (tm)" seal of disapproval that pretty much says it all.
If you have not received your Muffin flyer/invite you can email the Muffin with your proper mailing address and plead your case why we should invest 44 cents to mail you one.
Email: muffinxxxv@gmail.com
[*the handbill variety, not the hockey team... also known as a "flier"]
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