Any Muffineers alive out there?!? What, one year when things just don't quite pan out and you decide to throw in the towel on how may years of the Muffin? Come on! I'm thinking about renaming this site/blog as the "
Paul Pot Fine Artz Gallery" or "
The Happy Clams Unofficial Fansite". If anyone besides Paul is still out there, please post a message, a link, even a tweet would be nice! Something to moor this adrift pile of wreckage we call the Muffin. Oh well, enough complaining!
So anyway, here are few words from host, Mr. Pot:
time to party with
the Happy Clams on Saturday, August 1 at 8pm. Music starts at
8:30pm. At the Paul Pot
Mansion. Ask your friends where it is.
Yey! Bachannalia!
I meant:
"Where's my muuuuuuffin" ?
"There's a muffin here, there and everywhere!"
or ...whatever. : )
Remember...Muffin's a state of mind...it's always there. Maybe we should start talking about the 'Fall Fest', adding to the Muffin bits that have been happening throughout the year that will all add up to on tick forward for next year's 35th! gp
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