Muffinscape XXXII (

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"What was it we used to do on this weekend every year?!?"...

Yup, hard to believe that there will be no Muff* this year. If you are one of the mournful, why not come down to the Miz and join in a communal "cry in your beer" fest TONIGHT (5/20) ... as a bonus you can enjoy some of that rareified entertainment that only Paul Pot's Missouri Lounge Open Mic can provide. Enjoy the unfolding summer climate on the "new" outdoor patio! In the words of PP:

Have you been here before?
Do you think you can remember to come down to the
Missouri Lounge Open Mic this Wednesday?
If we can all hold on to the idea that we had fun,
perhaps it will stick in our minds until at least the next day.
You know it would be such a bummer to remember that you forgot whatever it was.

And in the words of Bishop Joey..."We'll always remember those Muffins we never forget!". How about those that never happened? Enjoy the memories and have a great Muffin-less weekend... where ever you end up. And just remember... "Muffin" is a state of mind!

(* If you happen to be wandering around Yuba County this weekend and should just happen to stumble upon a certain locale, you will likely be welcomed by a rag-tag band of hard core dyed-in-the wool Muffin-heads who just don't know where else to be. Whatever you do, don't tell them you heard about it here!).

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Muffin Flash Mob (2005)