Did you miss the Clams CD release party? Well fret not....
It's the Happy Clams and Bunny Numpkins and the Kill Blow-Up Reaction at Spuds Pizza at 3290 Adeline, on the corner of Adeline and Alcatraz, in Berkeley, CA. Friday, May 8. It's kid friendly.

The Happy Clams will be playing a pile of stuff that may include
some of your favorite tunes, some songs that will soon be your
favorite tunes, and (with luck) some songs we think you'll really hate. (I hate that.) Let's get this cozy little night spot a jumpin.
The Bunny Numpkins? Well that's another story...
Guitarist/banjoist Patrick Swayze Double Dragon holds the world’s record for longest time breathing through a straw while submerged in water in a bathtub. He performs in a glass bathtub, it’s very dramatic. Bassist Thumper Thighston
can play music on or in her armpit and likes to whistle at construction workers. She has had 100 x-rays. (Lookout!) Drummer Frank Lloyd Wrong is a building
demolition expert. Implosion is his other middle name. Vocalist Lady Mondegreen once sang in a doo-wop group that should have been called the Premarital Sextet, but that name was taken by some other project.
Together, they are Bunny Numpkins and the Kill Blow-Up Reaction and they
got some whacky, bop-til-you-drop numbers on subjects ranging from
George Clooney to CalTrans. Need we say anymore? Check them out at
http://www.myspace.com/bunnynumpkinsandthekillblowupreactionC'mon down to Spuds. Show starts at 8pm sharp... really....no kidding..
... swear on a stack of bibles. 8 pm to 10 pm.
Get the Happy Clams CD "I'm All Steamed Up, Baby!" from CD Baby (online)
or Amoeba Records (on the street).
Get all the Clam info at
http://www.thehappyclams.com/PS: Don't forget
Captain Mike's Salmon Benefit show at the La Pena in Berkeley on Thursday May 7th!