A Blog Site Dedicated to a Very Unique Northern California Traditional Camp Out and Music Festival
Muffinscape XXXII (http://darron.smugmug.com)
Monday, March 12, 2007
2007 Flyer Art Raises the True Spirit Of Muffin
True to form, Paul Pot has dug in deep to dish up a big fat dose of the Muffin spirit with his flyer for this years event. From the looks of things we're in for one hell of a spooky time this year. In the words of our recently departed dear friend and Muffin brother, Irish, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE MUFFIN!.. THE MUFFIN HANDLES YOU!". This year that may ring more true than ever. Thank you Paul ...and Pat, we'll catch up with you later man. Ghost rider's in the sky...indeed!
This web site is a non-commercial blog intended to keep a group of friends, friends of friends and other interested parties informed of the private (by invite only) Meadow Muffin Music and Arts Festival that has taken place off and on since 1976. This site does NOT intentionally use cookies or other means to track your actions on this site or elsewhere. Google (who graciously hosts this site) may do otherwise. You have been informed ... Enjoy!!!
Welcome To Muffinville
Next stop... the Muffin Zone!
Meadow Muffin XLIII
Greetings Muffineers! This year we celebrate our 43th Meadow Muffin! (Give or take a few) I know what you are thinking... "Isn't that thing DEAD YET!" or "CAMPING!?! I'm not 20 anymore!" or "An old Hippie Party? ... Browns Where?". OK, just move on then. Nothing to see here. If you still want to have too-much-fun for dirt cheap, then come on out for what may be the last (and possibly best) Muffin ever!