Muffinscape XXXII (http://darron.smugmug.com)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Happy Meatster! 15th Annual DMOAS "Art vs Meat" Battle Royale To Honor Dirk Dirksen

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Ticket Money Trickles In... and a Sponsorship Offer
With ONLY about 2 days left, the $20 (insanely cheap) early ticket offer is getting ready to expire. If you can get your letter with check payable to “Meadow Muffin” post marked by Saturday or catch one of us on Sunday you too can take advantage of this incredible offer. With funding an issue (as always) Cyn has been beating the bushes for “sponsors” willing to underwrite one or more of the parties “fundamentals”. She sez that Vasco and Boyd have offered to fund this year’s hayride (both days!). Wow, very cool guys! A few other folks (Larry, TOC and C&M) have kicked in general seed money to help get the ball rolling. So… buy some tickets or sell some tickets so we can pay these guys back. Remember if you miss this deadline you can still get $5 off by contributing by 5/15. After that you will have to pay the outrageous fee of 30 bux! I realize that this isn’t Burning Man (thank you very much) but the last I checked tickets were going for $250!!! At these prices we are practically paying you to go to the Muffin!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Once Again, Direct From Folsom, The BBC!

Arrrrrgh!!! Captain Mike and the Sea Kings are Onboard!

More details and some sound samples of the Sea Kings are available at their web site: http://www.myspace.com/captainmikeandtheseakings.
The Kings will be appearing at the Oakland Crab Fest on March 24 at
Weasels Manager Playboy Millionaire Hank Gimme Rejects Top Scientific Honor, Thumbs Nose at "New" Muffin (CLICK ORANGE HEADER FOR THE LATEST POST!)

Electro-Jam Ensemble "Robo-Weed" Seeking Friday Night Slot

Git Off Yer Butt and Hit the Streets For St. Stupid's Day!

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Cavepaint Crew Warms Up St. Pat Festivities at the Chateau

Monday, March 12, 2007
2007 Flyer Art Raises the True Spirit Of Muffin

Teens Run Free and Wild at the Muffin... NOT!

Now, about those Dogs...
Clams Still Digging for Bass Player

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Blues Powerhouse Dan Lange On Bill For Muffin XXXII

Club Oiselle Announces Exclusive "Gold Nugget" Membership For 2007

Horseshoe Challenge
Pinheads Rejoice! Lil' JuJu is Muffin Bound!

Friday, March 9, 2007
The "Itchy Muffin" rumors are all true

I can confirm that The Itchy Mountain Men will be taking a break from their Summer '07 "Mountain Madness" tour to play the Muffin.
"This is a no-miss event" sez band mandolin player and vocalist Joel "Snuffy" Morais, "the biggest event since we were recognized as "Best Emerging Talent" last September at the Berkeley Old Time Music Festival."
"I cannot wait to twang my big 'ol instrument at the Muffin" sez bassist Ben "String Bean" Margolin.
"I hope I can pay-off my parking tickets in time" sez guitar player and vocalist Roger "Stretch"
"Very Cool" sez rolling five-finger banjo player Ricky "Slick" Meier.
The band will be joined this year Christine "ChrissyK" Donaldson vocals and harmonies. "Where do I audition?" sez ChrissK.
For those who are interested, The Itchy Mountain Men's '06 Muffin performance can be seen at
Youtube.com by searching under:"Itchy Muffin"or by pasting the following hyperlink in your browser:
Or by going to the Band's website at:
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Prospective Muffin Dance Band: JUICE
An old friend of Vasco (and a few other of us as well), Boyd plays in an R&B band called “Juice” that he would like to bring to the Muffin. I haven’t heard them but Vasco sez “They are a great dance band and have played Sweetwater’s in
Itchy Mountain Men Announce Break in Tour to Perform Muffin Festival
Marin County's own Itchy (Scratchy) Mountain Men have announced that they will cancel Spring engagements to appear at the Meadow Muffin Mountain Music Festival at an undisclosed location in May. An unconfirmed rumor has it that the spirited lads may appear incognito as the Itchy “Muffin” Men. Manager/promoter Vasco “Magic” Morais indicated that the band was looking forward to this event as a way to unwind from a demanding touring schedule.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Meadow Muffin XXXII Launched!!!
Thanks for coming out to the meeting last week. I’m glad everyone is juiced about doing MM32!Things we decided on:
Tickets will be $20 til April 1; $25 til May15 and $30 after and at the “door”
Target budget will be $2500
Here is an overview of stuff we need done:
In March or ASAP -
Flyer art work – Paul Pot “volunteered”
Flyer printing and mailing
Ticket artwork and printing
Ticket distribution and accounting
Line up entertainment:
So far we’ve got the usual suspects… (in no particular order)
Cavepainters (Rick & Co). - *Need contact info – Jenny, TOC
Dan Lange - *Need contact info – Gary, Jenny?
Happy Clams sans bass player – Paul
Paul Manousos Band (TOC need to check on cost/avail) (http://www.paulmanousos.com/)
BBC – Greg will contact on cost/avail (http://www.thebbctribute.com/)
Captain Mike’s band –
Bill Horton (Rutabaga) - third time is a charm? – Greg to contact
Pickin’ Trix (Camille in
Itchy Mountain Men - Vasco
Hayride – Greg will contact/confirm w/Duane
Video – Mark and Bill
Pin-ball trailer (L’il JuJu) - Mike
In April –
Finalize Entertainment/Budget - DONE
T-Shirt Artwork - DONE
Arrange T-Shirt Printing - DONE
Sell Tickets!!! - DONE
Site Visit – Check out stage condition, tractor requirements?
In May –
Order (plenty-o) Port-a-potties
Mow down/stage setup (Saturday before hand)
New horse shoe back stops!
Sell Tickets!!!
The Weekend – Thursday/Friday
Setup signage
Setup Club Oiselle
Setup stage and sound system
Setup video
The Weekend – Saturday/Sunday
Collect tickets/cash
Sound support
Sell T-Shirts
Bartend (I want this job)
The Weekend – Saturday/Sunday
Sound support
The Weekend – Monday
Clean up, clean up & clean up!!!
Break down/pack... hey get back here!
OK , Let me know if you want to help with something specific. I’d like to get a signup page and a mailing list (both snail and email) going that folks can add to. Until then, mail comments, ideas, whatever to this group.

Muffin Flash Mob (2005)