Muffinscape XXXII (http://darron.smugmug.com)
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Okay, how's this gonna work and do I need a microwave?
Normal meat rules apply with the understanding that we can't prove anything. This is eMeat- post your entry. Post somebody else's entry, even if they don't know about it, Hell, we'll even settle for tofu, as long as it has a nice sauce.
Sides are appreciated.
P.S.- That's a personal question.
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Monday, March 7, 2022
EMEAT Anyone? The DMOAS Tradition Continues...
It's on, people! eMeat is here- post your entries and sides for all to enjoy! In case you're at a loss, here's a new culinary method you can try out- http://bompasandparr.com/projects/view/cooking-with-lightning/
Spanky Walnuts
P.S.- Those meat bombs are Ukranian Patychky. Recipe is here:
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Muffin 46 Was a Barn Burner!
Cry Baby Hill goes up in Flames! |
Guess the most that can be said about Muffin XLVI was that we (finally) tried to burn it all down (at least the horseshoe pits anyway). Thanks to a mysterious fire in the pits prior to Sunday's match, the Weazels were once again declared victorious (by default)! Multiple CalFire pumpers, water trucks, a large CAT and a spotter plane came to our rescue to help avoid a disastrous conflagration. Looks like 2022 will be another (bone) dry year so hopefully we will be better prepared!

Muffin Flash Mob (2005)