Jeez ... Contrary to what that last post sez, that last Muffin must have really turned some folks off. It's like a ghost town around here. Maybe all those looser geezer hippies finally packed it in. Too bad, just when it looked like there might be a crop of young-un's around to carry the torch. Oh, well!
So I'm guessing your eye balls ended up here cause you are thinking that it sure would be great to enjoy a good old fashioned pull out all the stops mind blowing Muffin for a change. Well, the powers that be sent me out here to let you know what's going on (or not!). The story here is that the Muffin committee, in the spirit of these tough times, is announcing serious cut-backs to the extravagant and wasteful ways of Muffins past. I know, I know, Muffin has never been known for being fiscally responsible but in this new age when everyone but hedge fund managers are going broke something must be done to stop the hemorrhaging!
SO, cutting to the chase here... Cutbacks (and we really hate to do this) for Muffin XXXVI will include the following:
- No Flyer (or is it Flier)
- No T-Shirt
- No Tickets
- No Mow Down
- No Stage Setup
- No Drive In
- No Sound System
- No Band Recruitment
- No Videos
- No Bands (organized, anyway)
- No Unreal (amplified for sure)
- No Portable Pinball
- No Club Oiselle (or maybe without the Gold Room)
- No Hay Ride (well, maybe)
Basically this boils down to having a "Muffin with No Stuff-in".
Just imagine how much more fun I, I mean YOU can have without all those distractions!
Stay tuned (that is if you aren't completely bummed out by now) for more info...