Yup, as the weeks to Muffin fade away and the event looms larger and larger, the tickets just naturally get more and more expensive. Come Saturday the Muffin will be bigger than it's been in two whole years and the price of that ever expanding humongous Muffin thing is gonna cost you 30 US bux! But seriously, we are talking about a 3 or 4 day party here... all the fun you will probably ever have for under 10 bux a day!?! Where else you gonna find that? So if your check, money order or other pro-misery note is received by May Day (5/1/10) you will be mailed your very own Muffin ticket (no questions asked).
On other fronts, the long standing tradition of "Mow Down" is being planned for TWO weeks before the big event so that participants will have two entire weeks to recover. For the uninitiated, MD is when we cut the grass, prep the stage and power, etc., etc... for the big event. More details to come but if you would like to help out this year, set aside Saturday May 15th. In the unlikely event of foul weather, MD will likely be postponed until the following Saturday.
That's it for now. The next post will have more details on the music schedule or other events!!!