Muffinscape XXXII (http://darron.smugmug.com)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The UNREAL Band Exhibits Ultimate Class at the Starry Plough, April 25th in Berkeley
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Pearmain Studios to Host DMOAS BBQ Art Fest on Sunday, April 12th

Also in the news, if you didn't make it the Happy Clams (All Steamed Up, Baby!) CD release party, you missed a real doozy. A GREAT time was had by all and a highly successful event all around. I'm sure Mr. Pot will have some CD's on hand at the above mentioned BBQ.
Lastly, the Pope is wondering if folks might show up for a mow-down (no-down?) even if Muffin is canceled this year (at least for MD weekend). If this sounds interesting to you please post a comment here. Maybe we could do a Saturday nite sleep-over Muffin-lite style. Stay tuned for more on that.
Also: don't fergit the UNREAL show at the Plough in Berkeley, Saturday April 25th. This may be the last time you see Gary before he has to move to Pennsylvania!
Help Save the Salmon with Captain Mike, May 7th at La Pena in Berkeley

For example... did you know that these days 98% of all salmon released at Coleman hatchery (just outside of Sacramento) die before they ever get to the ocean? Or that if we actually allowed these salmon to live, they could create an annual economic contribution in the area of $6,000,000,000 ($6 Billion) to our State?
Please go to http://www.salmonaid.org/ for more info about the SalmonAid Foundation and about the 2009 SalmonAid Festival - and we hope to see you at the party on May 7th.
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Muffin Flash Mob (2005)