Well, that's only partially true... at least the canceled due to part. Actually the
Pope has an engagement on the East Coast on Muffin XXXIV weekend that apparently can't be missed. Unfortunately that means there is no one to mind the store. I know it's hard to imagine a
Muffin-less year after all we have been through. I'm sure some of you will show up there anyway just like the sparrows to Capistrano. I can't tell you not to show up... just that it won't be ordained by the Pope, there won't be any amplified music and you might just suffer the wrath of Ed or an unsupervised hammerhead or two.
So we hope this doesn't come as too much of a shock... or ruin your day. It's not like you just got laid off or something.. have you? Heck the way things are going society may have completely collapsed by then anyway. We are just saving you the trouble of all the planning, provisioning, packing, driving, unpacking, setting up, partying (again and again), tearing down, packing, driving, unpacking and storing. What about that sounds like fun anyway?
Guess we will have to make up for this some how. Rumor has it a
Muffineer of high standing just bought some acreage out in W.
SonomaCo. It may even be in shape for a "Muffin Style" July 4
th party. Stay tuned for that one.
On other fronts, the
Happy Clams CD release party is looking like the
Plough early next month (April 10
th-ish) with a really great warm up band. If you haven't gotten your copy of
"I'm All Steamed Up, Baby" yet, drop by
Mr. Pot's Open Mic at the Miz on
Wednesdays or at
Amoeba in Berkeley. ALSO:
The Unreal Band have a gig
booked at the Plough a few weeks later (~April 25
th). And don't fergit
Missy Dee and Friends are gearing up for the
umteenth DMOS celibration on
rezerwreckshun day... April 12
th! See... lots to look forward to after all!