All possible disclaimers apply here. Not sure what this is all about but it sure is a fine poster (I want that font!) and some great bands are appearing including Muffin's own show bustin Happy Clams! Muffin sez attend at your own risk!
The Festival of Breasts was originally conceived as an epic music festival that would take place at The Rack Lodge, in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park. The bill was going to be filled by bands that had breasts or know somebody who did. Eventually, the idea morphed into a Sunday BBQ at the Stork Club with real and/or fake breasts. even chicken breasts...We will celebrate all things round & soft, like a nice pair of boobs.
Mill Race 12am
Brad Electro 11pm
ApplePie Hopes 10:30pm
ASP 10pm
The Happy Clams 9pm
The Bleu Canadians 8pm
5¢ Coffee 7pm
The Clarences 6pm
Bunny Numpkins and the Kill Blow-Up Reaction 5:30pm
Plasterkatz 5pm
The Lemmies 4pm
DJ Mole, Mike Glendinning & Alayna Stroud's Group Ascension
in between sets
Sunday, June 15th 2008, 4pm Stork Club, 23rd St. & Telegraph, Downtown Oakland
(510) 444-6174