By the way Mike, cheers to ALL the Kings and what a memorable performance it was! Thanks for coming out and keep us posted on upcoming events.
A Blog Site Dedicated to a Very Unique Northern California Traditional Camp Out and Music Festival
By the way Mike, cheers to ALL the Kings and what a memorable performance it was! Thanks for coming out and keep us posted on upcoming events.
“The Scheming of Things” Pencil on Bristol 10” x 8” 2007
Drawn by Paul Purcell
Open Studio
email: paul@thehappyclams.com
This is the last weekend (of 2) to check out drawings by the legendary Paul Purcell (aka Paul Pot), right in his own studio!
This Saturday and Sunday (6/9 & 10) between 11AM and 6PM, Paul’s abode will be open to view his recent (and perhaps not so recent) works.
Wouldn’t it be cool if everyone showed up at once! Just kidding! But hey there is an opportunity to get together with Paul and the CLAMS, hot off their Muffin Victory Tour at the Stork Club this Sunday…
Get a real workout and greasy buffalo wings at the Festival Of Fitness BBQ at the Stork Club Sunday, June 10.
Doors open at 2. Music Starts at 3. Clams about 6 or so.
One last thing ... MUFFIN DECOMPRESSION (it's a concept, not a band) at the Miz tonight (6/6) at 8PM!!! Surprise Guest Appearance!
OK, here it comes…. Don’t hold your breath!
Papa Ed for putting up with us all weekend long
Paul P. for capturing the spirit of Muffin in the flyer and keeping the faith
Vasco for hauling a bunch of really great teenagers all way from Marin (again)
Cynthia for beating the bushes for cash, mailing flyers and the power tee sales
Jerry for coming out of the bushes
Mark, Bill and Damon for those classic flicks
Michelle (AKA Batgirl) for printing the tickets and getting the ball rolling
Zintzy for that great new trophy and keeping the pits in order
Billy Joe Bob for his wonderful collection of balls
Gary P. for driving Ed to the hospital when he could have been partying
Dan for hauling his killer blues all the way from
Fred for blowing out his credit at BevMo
G. Lee for performing his yearly miracle one more time
Mallory and Jen for getting up there when it hurts like hell
Joel & Co for turning Friday night up side down
Matt for pulling the sound together again and again and again
Dina and Tim for creating an incredible brunch and some Pirate action at the bar
Sandra Lee for making this years brunch possible and putting up with this madness
Jeff for riding up a week early to rebuild the tractor carburetor
Duane for giving Pat his last hayride
Mike and Melissa for providing many electronic thrills including the Lil’ JuJu
Bruce (AKA Gumby) for making that extra effort
TOC, Larry and C&M for the extra financial boost when it was most needed
Roger and Sheila for making a special trip and the XXX-tra bux too
Ungie for traveling all the way from LA to show us another side of Irish
Ed W for taking a big hit in the name of Muffin
Gail for staffing the bar when no one else would
Cindy for feeding the BBC
Brad for keeping an eye on things when everyone went to bed
Derwoody for all the great shots
Hans and Elin for pitching in all over
The Neighbors for not complaining to the Cops when we ran the show until 2
The fire pit crew for the best fire pit in memory
The "Mow Down" crew for one of the best mow downs in memory
All the folks that stuck around to tear down and clean up
Greg for EVERYTHING of course
If I forgot anyone (and I’m sure I did), I’m sorry. Just remember Muffin isn’t a party, its